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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Paramus Catholic High School Journeys to Italy

Students Study Italian Culture


PARAMUS, NJ - Students and teachers from Paramus Catholic High School boarded a plane and embarked on a 12-day Italy tour and pilgrimage beginning on Thursday, February 13th.  The group was led by James P. Vail, President of Paramus Catholic High School, and the itinerary included visits to many of Italy’s most historical cities: Caserta, Rome, and Florence.
The first five days of the trip were spent in Caserta, Italy. While in Caserta, students spent a day at their partner school, Istituto Salesiani High School, where they visited classes and enjoyed a variety show. A Mass was held in the school chapel later that day. Students from both schools made everlasting friendships during their visit.
On the sixth day, students traveled to Rome, where they spent the remainder of the trip. The group took a walking tour of the River Tiber, Piazza Tribunali, Piazza Navona/Bernini sculptures, Pantheon and Piazza Montecitorio. While on a day trip to Florence, they visited the Academie and had the opportunity to view The David. Some of the trip’s highlights included a visit to St. Peter’s Square, as well as a guided, after-hours tour of the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. Pana Patterson, a student at Paramus Catholic High School, stated, “I was allowed a once in a lifetime experience that few can say they had the chance to witness.”
On the last day of the trip, the group was taken on guided tours of St. Peter’s Basilica with seminarians of the Vatican American Pontifical College. They also attended a private Mass with Father Houser, the assistant to Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, which was held at the tomb of St. Peter beneath the dome and papal altar.
Paramus Catholic President, James P. Vail, said, “I hope this trip opens our students’ vision and desire for future travel, as well as deepens their faith in and love for our Church and its history and traditions.” 
The Paramus Catholic group visited Vatican City at a historic time for the Catholic Church. Pope Benedict XVI had just announced he was resigning, making him the first pope to do so since Gregory XII in 1415.