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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bridges Outreachis Expanding Its Reach with a New Stop and Needs Your Help

In October 2012, PC's Campus Ministry Student Organization - Bridges Outreach - is expanding its ministry to include Newark, NJ.  For the past 13 years, Bridges has gone into New York City to bring food, clothing, coats, blankets, and toiletries to the homeless in need in the Battery Park and Center Street areas.  This year, PC will also be going to the Union Station area in Newark help those homeless there.

As we begin our 14th year here at PC, we continue to work with Bridges Outreach, Inc. which is located in Summit, NJ (Bridges Outreach) which for more than a quarter century has worked with the some of the most vulnerable members.  Bridges will begin its year with outreach runs on September 25, Oct 9 and 23, and November 5.  The Outreach Run on November 5 will be the schools first time assisting those in Newark.

Bridges could use your help.  We will be holding a Sweater/Sweatshirt/Toiletries Drive from November 17-21, 2012.  Please consider donating sweaters and sweatshirts or various toiletries items (bar soap, travel sized shampoos, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and trial size hand creams) to this outreach.  Items can be brought to students religion classes or dropped off in the bins outside of the lobby office during these dates. Items may be dropped off any day until Monday from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.  Paramus Catholic is located at 425 Paramus Road in Paramus, NJ directly across from the Bergen Community College jug-handle.  For information contact Joseph Wilson, Vice President for Mission and Ministry at (201) 445-4466, ext. 116 or