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Monday, May 7, 2012

Madonna vs. Youtube

                                                                                   by Emily Rutherford '12

        There are no limits to who can post to Youtube, well, so we thought. Youtube is a place where viewers from all over the world go to discover music, viral videos, and interviews with  favorite celebrities. One of the best features about Youtube is that anyone can use it.
       Madonna on the other hand, has recently learned about Youtube's policies. Her recent video for her new hit song "Girl Gone Wild", had been banned from Youtube due to its content. At first, Youtube would not even allow the video to be seen. However, after Madonna released a somewhat revised version of the video, now only 18 years olds and up can view the video. Youtube's efforts may have seemed productive, but in some aspects even the age limit will not stop minors. In order to view a video that has an age limit, internet users simply need to just sign in and make a Youtube account stating that they are at least 18 years of age. But let's face it, anybody can lie and make a false profile, it is the internet after all.
       Madonna is no stranger to controversy; however, she took her entertainment skills to a whole new level. She defended the risky video stating, "How can you go wild and not do those things?" Youtube released a statement saying, "Even though we do not comment or see every video that is uploaded, when a video is reported enough we have to check it out, this video is an example of that exactly." Once Youtube representatives saw this video, they decided that it was in no way appropriate for viewers to see this video and they had to at least put an age limit on the video.
       Bottom line, Madonna is an entertainer and forever will be. As they say, history repeats itself, Madonna's manager, Liz Rosenburg stated, "Some things never change, it's like we are back in 1990 when MTV refused to show her 'Justify My Love' video."