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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Paramus Catholic's Model Congress

Paramus Catholic’s Model Congress

Paramus Catholic Model Congress (PCMC) strives to enhance political awareness and responsible citizenship through the study and debate of political issues in an intellectual setting. Founded in 1997, PCMC has promoted these goals by providing high school students with a unique opportunity to participate in simulated sessions of the United States Congress.
Once again, Model Congress is back in full force. Paramus Catholic very own Clare Duda’13 is leading this year’s club. As of now, the seniors and juniors are teaching the underclassmen how to speak aloud, raise good questions, and write great legislation. Our goal, as of every year, is to take twenty students down to the University of Pennsylvania’s Model Congress competition. Three for four days, students from across the nation gather at Penn to confront the most challenging domestic and foreign issues that face America today. By writing their own legislation and preparing for debate, delegates learn to actively engage in contemporary political discourse. PCMC aims to help mold today's youth into tomorrow's citizens and leaders. (Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. – John F. Kennedy)

Paramus Catholic's Japanese Club

Paramus Catholic’s Japanese Club
Konoichwa! The Paramus Catholic Japanese Club strives to enhance, political, geographical, social, cultural and linguistic awareness of Japan. Class of 2013’s Geena Matala and Thomas Gallagher are this year’s co-presidents. The have meet with their fellow e-board members and have planed up some great events. The Japan Club will take field trip to the Japanese Market Place Mitsuwa in the fall, host a drawing contest, movie night, and a Christmas party, and a lecture on every Friday. All senior and junior members are responsible for making a power point presentation on some aspect of Japan.  A Brief History on Japanese Samurai Warrios, Japanese Mythology, Harjuku Fashion, Top 10 Manga Characters of all Time, The Topography of Japan, and the Current Political Landscape of Japan were just of the few titles that our upperclassmen have presented to their fellow club members. Sayonara and Domo arigotogozaimasu!